Saturday, August 17, 2013

the first bad day

I'm not in a great mood as I sit in the dark another night.  I guess I should get used to it since winter is around the corner.  As I mentioned yesterday, Swedes take their light fixtures with them when they move.  That would have been valuable information for the rental agency to share with us, knowing we are not from this country.  We had our lamps set up and ready to go and within an hour the lightbulb popped and we blew a fuse.  So much for working late tonight.  Are you wondering how the unpacking is coming?  Well, we made a  ton of progress thanks to Creg and Claudette who took our boys bowling today.  It was great to work for hours without being interrupted to feed  someone, break up a fight or wipe a little hiney.  Steve was even able to set up my computer and office area.   I haven't had my Mac since early June.  Did I mention he fried our brand new printer?  (Sorry Steve, when mess up here in Sweden everyone reads about it....  Now it's your turn.) The boys had a fantastic time bowling and they even rode the bus for the first time. 
Ryan, putting up with three little guys.
The clothing is a problem.  We have too much for our three closet apartment. Apparently hanging clothes is not popular here.  We are in desperate need of Ikea right now.  I had my list ready and we were planning to head there tomorrow.  Wondering how we we are going to get it all back to our apartment?  No problem, we will rent a car.  Oh wait, someone had a great idea to close all rental car agencies on the weekends. Here's another good one.  I would love to meet the mastermind behind this... there are no outlets in our bathroom.  As a matter of fact there isn't an outlet in any of our bathrooms.  I've hated the bathrooms in Stockholm since I arrived, this brings it to a whole new level.  Hold on, I'll be right back....  I'm in the middle of a 3 hour laundry cycle and I heard the machine beep.   I'm sure the clothes are not dry, they've only been in there for 21/2 hours.   Finally, the highlight of the day....falling down the steps not once, but twice.  Ouch!  My final complaint, I promise.....  disposing of garbage.  Think of all the garbage that accumulates during a move.  Even though the moving company took 95% of our boxes, we still have a bunch to get rid of.  Where does it go?  Well...  Our dumping ground is about a 5 minute walk.  Are you wondering how we will walk that far with all the boxes and big black garbage bags?  Yes, we are too!  This must happen tomorrow or I might have a breakdown. 
All in all...  This has been a rough day.  I miss the comforts of home.... Target, Home Depot, lights, bathrooms that don't  share space with the laundry room, sanitation pick up, and garages.  
On a brighter note, the boys start school this week.  We are all ready for routine!  Monday is a very short orientation day but Tuesday is the first official day.  I know the boys will do great.  I sense that they are a bit nervous, but that's to be expected.  I'm nervous for Chase because I'm not sure he realizes his buddies aren't going to be in his class.  I'm sure he will cry when I drop him, but he's tough! 

 Let's hope for a better day tomorrow and that I' ll be writing this blog from my computer with lights on in every room!  I'm leaving you with some pictures of our mess.  
And now a picture of my new favorite candy.  Yummy!!!








  1. bless your heart! sorry to read about your rough day. well frankly with all that upheaval, I am surprised this is the 1st! you are a resourceful little lady with a great sense of humor. hope tomorrow goes a bit more smoothly :)
    ps. never said previously but I am very impressed with Jake! so happy for him he made the team. must have been intimidating! kids are so resilient!

  2. Oh,Sweetie, I feel for you! Hopefully you will figure out the light situation quickly, it will probably "brighten" your perspective in more ways than one.

    As Ellen says, you have been handling all this like such a champ, and I am sure that tomorrow will be better. A hint from a person who lived in a small space for awhile.... maybe you can fit clothes storage boxes under your beds? Good for off-season clothes. Second hint, this from a person whose dryer took a really long time -- never put towels in with anything else, and it might shorten some of your loads.
    Hugs to you and all the boys, even the one who fried the printer. :) Gamma

  3. I certainly hope you have a better day tomorrow! The dryer thing fascinates me. Seriously 3 hours to do laundry? Maybe hang the clothes up overnight in your outlet-less bathroom! Or have the kids run to and from the dumping ground with the clean, wet clothes on dragging your garbage ;)

  4. that's some odd looking candy. I can't wait to see pix of your beautiful new home once you're all set up. I was just going to call you to wish the boys a wonderful day tomorrow and you'll be happy that I didn't because it's 11:30 your time. ha ha. You know I will by mistake at some point. Love you all xoxoxo
