Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A few hiccups...

9am departure to Orlando airport, kids are excited, mom and dad feeling good about the ease of packing up.....  Arrive with smiles and some tears as we say goodbye to Kiki and Bebop.  We check in with all 10 of our bags and one very large, heavy crate.  We are then informed that the crate is too heavy and can't go with us.  After unsuccessfully bribing the agent with some cash, Steve decides to buy another suitcase and lightens the crate load.  $400 later, we depart for Detroit.  We land thinking we have a four hour layover, time for dinner and some pee breaks only to discover we have 20 minutes until we board.  So....  Here we go!  We will land in Amsterdam in 7 hours and head to Stockholm after that.  So far, kids are happy and Daddy has cooled down from the Orlando ordeal.  As Smith put it,"Daddy really needs to jump in a pool because he's sweating so badly.  Hahaha

As soon as I figure out how to upload photos to this site, you can see our suitcase load.

Here we go!!!!!

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