Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sundays are awesome here

I loved the feeling on the streets today.  Everybody was out walking, bike riding, playing at the park, or just  hanging at an outdoor cafe.  I feel like Swedes really enjoy their life.  They slow down from the craziness of work to unwind and do things that make them happy.  I hope we will learn that wonderful trait while we're here.

I woke up with one thing on my mind today, the produce at Hotorget Market.  Let's recap today's activities with one word... walking.  

Even though we accidentally stumbled on the Market yesterday, it never occurred to us that we would struggle finding it again today.  Our poor babies (Chase especially) need to develop their walking endurance.  Three hours later, we found it!!!!  Unfortunately we got there an hour before closing time so there wasn't much left.  But, I still bought strawberries, blueberries, cherries and cucumbers.  I know we are supposed to negotiate price, but that is NOT my forte.    I will have to get better at this and quickly.  On second thought, I gave birth to the best negotiator around.  I'm going to have Jake practice his skills at the market next weekend!  Perhaps that will slow him down from trying to work us so much.

Here's a picture of the train ride home.  The boys were thrilled to be sitting.

As a reward for the boys being patient as we walked all over the city, we took them to a giant candy store.  Swedish candy has a different taste but they managed to find the American candy and loaded up on that.  Below is  a picture of our happy campers.  Mommy enjoyed some candy too...  I actually ate the Swedish treats!
Tonight was the first time I've cooked dinner in over a month.  It was really nice to sit down as a family.  We didn't even mind doing the dishes (hand wash, no dishwasher in this apartment).  Enjoy your dishwashers everyone and think of us while you're loading up tonight.  While I cooked, Steve took the boys across the street to the park.  Before coming in for dinner, Jake and Steve went to the grocery store with my list and were back in no time.  It's so cool having stores right out your door; and even better having a great hubby to do the shopping!
I love the way romaine lettuce is sold here.  It comes in a tiny planter.  Below are the fresh ingredients in our salad tonight.  
The highlight of the day for Smith.... 
Yup...  Purchasing his new cleats for his tryout this week.  He went with the Swedish colors.   Both boys will be trying out for a few teams this week.  We are still learning the soccer ropes so not sure where they will end up.  Location is key!!!!

Did I mention how much I hate the bathroom here!!!!  I hate the dryer even more.  It takes almost 2 hours to dry one load of laundry.  The boys might have to start wearing the same pair of underwear and socks all week!

I'm going to close with this visual. It's 11pm and Chase is screaming in his bed that its morning time, Smith is in my bed because he is trying to escape the screaming and Jake is in his bed counting sheep.  At what point will these children adjust to the time change???????

Tomorrow is a big one for me.  Steve is back to work and Mommy is on her own.  When I mentioned this to the boys tonight, they looked very frightened.  This should make for some interesting  blogging tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!!






  1. Love it Squid! you will do great tomorrrow, I have no doubt. The boys are so cute in their Swedish colors - you know yellow is my personal favorite! I love all your colorful sneakers - hee hee - so cute. You're all going to be super skinny and fit - not like your not that already!!! Keep it going Paynes!!! xoxoxo

    Dee Dee

  2. Awesome recap! So envious of your new adventure and have no doubt you'll be adjusted to the culture by weeks end. Keep the blogs coming - very impressed by your writing skills - nice detail, actually feel like I'm there. Big smooches to you, Steve and the boys. Love you! xoxoxox

  3. Have a great day tomorrow! You will rock it:) Also, I realize it is no where near the same with 3 kids in tow, but I got myself lost almost everyday when we moved up here. At first is was by mistake and then I just did it because I realized how much fun we were having:)

  4. Now that's what I call a wonderful Sunday! Love being a part of these adventures with y'all - Meg
