Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our final night in the states

It's 10:22pm and I'm sitting in my in laws living room amazed at how quickly the past3 months have gone by.  We decided to make the move to Sweden in May, and the rest of the story is history.  It has been an amazing summer of vacations, beach trips and visiting family.  It has also been quite sad as we've had to say good-bye to so many special people.  The boys ( including Steve)are really excited to start this journey  and mommy is really nervous!  :). There are so many unknowns...  But I'm ready to do it.  Living out of a suitcase for 5 weeks is no easy task, so the the thought of  having a home again is really intriguing.
I'm off to bed, I'll post more tomorrow on our first layover.  We head to Detroit at noon.

Wish us luck with our 10 suitcases, 6 carry-ons and 3 children.  Aghhhhh


  1. Love it! Blog on! and I have full faith in you leading a tight ship tomorrow :)

    ...loading up the kids like pack mules. haha! been there! Good luck and safe travels!

  2. This is great! Thank you for sharing your new adventure with us. Steve and the boys will travel well, it's the luggage you need to keep an eye on . . . lol

  3. Safe travels and I look forward to following your adventure!
